Then you have come to the right place! The SDG Scoring Method program below have been designed based on experience, knowledge and expertise in the area of coaching golf. I believe a good coaching program will help you reach your goals faster and more efficiently than the traditional method of taking "lessons." And I guarantee results with every program or I will refund your money with no questions asked. This is the year for you to finally improve and play your best golf when it counts, under pressure on the golf course. If you take the time to train your skills through the entire training process, I know you will love the results. Please feel free to contact me directly with questions or to get started on a program.


What is the SDG Scoring Method Program?  

The Scoring Method program is a results based coaching system that will help you see results faster and more efficiently. In order for you to see the full benefits of this program you may need to participate in a variety of training sessions including an assessment and planning session, on course coaching, purposeful practice sessions and possibly boot camp sessions. Your program may also include solo coaching sessions if needed.

If you looking to improve this year but you are tired of practicing and not seeing the results on the golf course? Join our community of golfers who want to increase enjoyment on the golf course, decrease their level of frustration and see results where it counts, on the scorecard. The design and implementation of your program is critical to skill development and on course application. The research on learning is clear and should be applied to your game if you want to see results. It's not the amount of hours you put into your practice, it's how and what you are doing during your sessions that will increase your skill level and lower your scores. Sarah will design a plan that is based on your current skill level and time constraints. During the program you will also be communicating with Sarah on a regular basis with progress feedback and task completion.

Available Training Sessions

Because every golfer is different in their skill level and needs, your training program may consist of a variety of classes if needed to be sure we get the results you are looking for. As your coach I will guide you in the right direction and will use proper feedback to be sure we are using our time efficiently and maximizing results. Click here for a printable version of the available sessions, the weekly calendar and pricing structure.

Solo Coaching - up to 2 players per session
This is a great session for times when you need a little more attention on your swing adjustments or skill development. There will be up to 2 people allowed in each 60 min session. During your time slot you will also have the opportunity to work with the FlightScope to figure out how far you hit your clubs.

Purposeful Practice - 4 to 8 players per session
This 2 hour session is designed to train your skills under a little pressure for the golfer who wants to shoot lower scores, improve ball control skills and have the ability to commit to a consistent program. Please keep in mind this is a training program and not a "lesson" environment. Training sessions focus on skill development , shooting lower scores, managing your mindset and emotional state and developing better practice habits. This program involves practice sessions with game like training techniques and on course playing session. The learning environment is identical to the playing environment and we will incorporate the same interference you experience on the golf course. Participants will train in a group with other golfers watching their performance, your partner is counting on you, we keep score and at the end of the session there will be a winning team. This is a perfect formula for transferring your skills to the golf course and guaranteeing success.

Purposeful Practice - Niners, Newbies and Higher Handicappers
Tuesdays at 1:00 will be reserved for newbies, niners or any golfer who wants to shoot scores closer to 50 more often. We are going to have a blast in this program while you learn to shoot lower scores and become more comfortable on the golf course. Sessions will include instruction on fundamentals and practice session on a specific topic. Participants will also go onto the golf course and play 5 to 7 holes. Sarah will assist you with any questions you have on the course and to help you with decision making skills.

Boot Camp Sessions - 4 players per session
Boot camp sessions are open to MEN and WOMEN. This is a great opportunity for couples that enjoy learning together. Sessions are 60 mins long and will cover one specific game improvement area. Boot Camp sessions include instruction on fundamentals and ball control concepts. If you are working on a swing change, need a clearer understanding of ball flight control or in need of skill development hours, this program is perfect for you. Session include repetition and supervised practice time that will increase consistency and confidence.

On Course Coaching - 4 players per session
This is a 2 hour session with 4 of your friends or I will pair you in a group with others who play to your ability. Together, we will play 5 to 7 holes and have additional time to discuss your game, practice routines and develop a plan for your improvement.  A playing session is a great opportunity to discuss your on course decision making process, observe your short game execution and current ball control skills. Students will also have a opportunity to ask any questions that may come up during a round of golf. On course coaching sessions provide you with an excellent learning environment and opportunity to improve your game.

Play with the Pro - 3 players and Sarah
Let’s play golf together! This is a 4 hour session with 3 people and Sarah. During this session we will evaluate your game and put together a plan of action that will help you reach your goals. I will also have the opportuity to coach you on the course and see where your strengths and weaknesses are while you are under pressure. This is an awesome session for anyone who can’t commit to a regular program but needs to check in and get a game plan together for future improvements. Or maybe you are just looking for a really fun day of learning on the golf course with your coach!

AimPoint Green Reading
I'm a huge fan of AimPoint and as of May, 2017 I'm also a certified instructor! In this session you will learn the AimPoint Express Read and Speed techniques. The instruction will be taught on a very basic level and can be used by any level golfer. Remember AimPoint Express was developed to teach 5 year olds! The fee for the first class includes instruction on reading putts 20 feet and under. Any additional classes you attend after the first session will by considered "practice" sessions and the fee will be reduced. The more supervised practice sessions you attend the more putts you will make.

Click Here for Packages and Pricing Information